Monday, September 28, 2015

Turning 40 and losing weight fast

A picture explaining to keep calm about turning 40.
Well, as much as I would like to ignore it, turning 40 is happening and it's happening soon. It's pretty eye opening to think I will be that old and yet I'm pretty excited about it! Isn't this the mid-life crisis point? Shouldn't I be out looking for a new truck or motorcycle to help me get through this stage in life? Maybe, but for now I've found that being consistent with my diet and exercise, has helped me begin losing weight fast and keeping it off! That's rewarding enough, don't you think? I've noticed I feel better and I can keep up with my four boys who are all very active. I'm able to get out with their soccer teams during practice and play right alongside them without feeling stress on my knees or in my back. Being able to run and keep up with my boys and their teammates is only part of my plan to help me lose weight fast.  The other part of my strategy is including weight trainingyoga and other great forms of exercise into my workout plan. I don't get stuck with a one size fits all mentality when it comes to staying active and living healthy. The best way to feel young is to stay active with all kinds of exercise and in order to do that I need to keep my body and mind in shape. It kind of makes me feel younger even though I know it's not going to stop time and make that 40th birthday get pushed off another year.

It all started a few years back when I caught myself gaining a little more weight than I would like to admit and not being in the physical shape I needed to be in. The scary part was, I really thought I was in decent shape and wasn't too far away from where I was in high-school and college. Boy was I mistaken! I had gained about 42 lbs since I started college and it wasn't registering with my brain that I needed to do something to help me start losing weight fast and to get started right away! That was when a really close friend of mine challenged me to do P90X with him. At the time I had heard of the P90X workout and how some said it was super intense, but I had never done anything like it. I took his challenge and really went for it! I decided I was all in and I would start right then changing my lifestyle in hopes to change myself as well as my family’s outlook on health and fitness. So far it's worked great! My family and I see food and now we think about the good, better and best choice when it comes to eating and what that food is actually going to do to either help us or harm us. The fitness side of things rapidly got better for me too! I’m down in weight and still losing inches, but most importantly, I feel amazing!
A 40 year old father and his son playing soccer.
I’m getting closer to where I was in college which I thought would be impossible. My endurance started getting better! Hikes with the kids didn't seem so agonizing and I wasn't fighting for breath so much. I moved from doing P90X to attacking Insanity (my go-to workout), another Beachbody Workout I do right in my living room. I’ve bounced between several workouts over the years and have recently focused on Body Beast and P90X2 to help me add some muscle mass. Talk about losing weight fast! Doing these programs combined with following their meal plans and diets have improved my overall health dramatically and I can’t say enough good things about them.

So to wrap it up, I have to say I’m super grateful a friend of mine invited me or challenged me to take an honest look at where I was and see if I good do better. Now it’s become easier and more fun seeing where I can go with my health and fitness as I work toward losing weight fast to achieve my goal of keeping up with my kids. So when they start getting older I’ll still have Insanity as my go-to workout for anything to do with losing weight, increasing my endurance, building speed and power, etc... 

I believe every father should be able to beat his kids at any physical activity and my goal is to be bigger, faster and stronger than them, even when I'm older. We'll see about that as I turn 40...wish me luck!!

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