Monday, September 21, 2015

Why I think Shakeology is so awesome and I vomit my whole story on them...

A display of all the different nutritional ingredients contained within Shakeology

I wanted to share something I feel is important. My wife posted about it on Facebook a while back and it made me think, there are a lot of people who are dealing with very similar issues. How can it help them too? If you relate in some way to her, I hope you find this helpful.

“Because a lot of my friends ask me why I think Shakeology is so awesome and I vomit my whole story on them, I've decided to do a little series called "Why I LOVE Shakeology." My #1 reason is: There is NO SUGAR or even FAKE SUGAR for that matter, in it except the naturally occurring sugar from the fruits in it and then the naturally sweet Stevia Root. Most of you know how "anti-sugar" I am, but most of you don't know why. A few years ago, I decided I was sick of being on Depression Meds and after realizing how much of an impact eating sugar had on my mental health, I decided to cut it out of my eating. Unfortunately for me, I have a MAJOR Sweet tooth. It was super hard to avoid the temptation. A few months later, some friends of ours, Eric & Chandra introduced us to Beachbody & Shakeology. I was SUPER skeptical. I wasn't sure it was really worth the money for "one of those shakes." So my awesome husband made an executive decision and took the leap for me. I'm forever grateful that he did. Shakeology tricks me into thinking that I AM getting a treat...(My chocolate Milkshake) and I can avoid crap because I don't feel like I'm being deprived. So that is my #1 reason, I get a treat still without really eating treats. PS. Everything you see in this picture IS IN SHAKEOLOGY, but we'll talk about that later.” - Rachel B.

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