Monday, August 3, 2015

Why You Should Workout on Monday

A happy flexing boy and his real life tiger celebrating Monday.
Let's face it, nobody likes Monday's, well some people do but they are rare and will most likely be found in a gym somewhere chasing a dream and trying to reach a goal. What is it about them that makes them so motivated to get after it on a Monday?

Well, I have a thought that these types of people get off on the right foot and it sets the stage for how they feel the rest of the week. Yes, Monday's are tough! Coming back from a relaxed weekend where the stress level was low compared to what you face on a daily basis during the work week grind. That's why it's so important to hit Monday running!

Starting out your work week with some type of exercise will help lower your stress levels, increase the functionality of your mind and help you feel great about yourself.

So the next time you hear someone complain about it being Monday again, be grateful for the weekend you just enjoyed and hit Monday doing something that's going to help you reach your goals and feel great that it's Monday.

Thomas Budge
Success Coach
IG: @tmbudge