Monday, August 10, 2015

Eating Healthy On The Go

Being on the road is tough but when you have little choice in what there is to eat it makes it even more tough.

Here are some ideas I use which may help in your attempts to eat clean while on the road when you may not be in your normal routine.

First off drink more water. There are multiple benefits to drinking enough water during the day and helping to curb the appetite is one of them. Plus drinking water first thing in the morning helps increase your metabolism which boosts calorie burn longer through the day.

Another great benefit of drinking the prescribed amount of water is your skin will become more healthy. So what is the prescribed amount you should drink each day? Well that depends and here's a great guide to know how much you should be consuming.

A chart showing recommended daily water intake

Carrying snacks. Having a snack or two handy while traveling is a great way to have better options when it comes to eating. You may find that snacking on nutritious foods that have a combination of healthy carbs and proteins are a better option than what is provided to you while traveling. The general idea is to be the one in control of what you consume. I'm rather active so I prefer to eat a balance between foods full of carbs and proteins in order to have the energy I need to continue throughout the day.

Meal replacement shakes. When it comes to food on the go, in my opinion, meal replacement shakes are amazing! Packed full of great ingredients these shakes can provide the dense nutrition which your body needs and craves. My go to meal replacement shake for the past few years has been Shakeology and for good reasons. It's packed with over 70 superfoods that most likely will never be served in your typical on the road meal stops. It gives me enough healthy energy to make it through the day without having to drink any other type of stimulant drink.

The bottom line is you still have choices when it comes to your health and what you ingest. Make the right choices consistently over time and you'll find yourself a few lbs lighter, tackling your day with more energy and getting closer to your personal goals when it comes to your health and fitness.

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